Barry Moon - Bio
I combine various forms of art and technology to create works that encourage interaction between humans and computers. My works for instrumental performance and computer have been performed at the International Computer Music Conference in 1998, 2004, and 2006. Other venues where this body of my work has received international attention has been at the Australian Computer Music Conference in Melbourne, the Sonic Circuits festival in Toronto, the InterCollege Computer Music festival in Tokyo, the MIX.01 in Aarhus, Festival in Denmark and Sweden, the MAXIS Festival in Leeds UK, Digital Arts and Culture Conference in Doncaster UK, the real-time/non real time festival, Basel, Switzerland, and Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej in Katowice Poland. Many of my works for performance with computer have involved the development of novel means of communication between performer(s) and computer such as “Open-form Score Following” techniques used in my Interact I, Interact II, and Electronic Revolution, and the “video score” used in the recent College Ave.
I have created numerous performance works and installations incorporating video processing. I have also started making computer games. “Ear Trading” developed in collaboration with my sister Brenda is a game using music to help guide the player through the decision-making process as they trade imaginary stocks on the stock market. I am Assistant Professor in the Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance program at Arizona State University.
Barry Moon - CV
Ph.D. in Music Composition 1993-99 State University of New York at Buffalo Specializing in Computer Music Composition
BA in Music with honors 1983-90 LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia Concentrating in Electronic Music, Composition, and Audio Engineering
Assistant Professor 2006- Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ
Senior Lecturer 2001-06 School of Music and Performing Arts Bath Spa University College, Bath, UK
Visiting Assistant Professor 2000-01 Music Department Brown University, Providence, RI
Technical Manager/Adjunct Lecturer 1998-00 Music Department/MacColl Studios Brown University, Providence, RI
Technical Director 1996-98 June in Buffalo Contemporary Music Festival, Buffalo, NY
Teaching Assistant, Music Department 1994-98 State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Digital Graphic Applications 2009- Arizona State University
Music In America 2009 Arizona State University
Digital Performance/Installation 2009- Arizona State University
Digital Graphic Technologies 2008 Arizona State University
Fundamentals of Sound Art 2008- Arizona State University
Advanced Digital Multitrack Recording 2008- Arizona State University
Media Technologies and the Arts 2007 Arizona State University
Listening to Music 2007 Arizona State University
Audio Interactivity 2007 Arizona State University
Digital Multitrack Recording 2006-09 Arizona State University
Sound Performance 2006/09 Arizona State University
Skills Portfolio/Interactivity Lab – MA Creative Music Technology 2003-06 Bath Spa University College
MT3103 – Digital Media and Dance 2004-06 Bath Spa University College
MT3101 – Sound and Screen 2004-05 Bath Spa University College
MT2101 – Advanced Digital Audio 2001-04 Bath Spa University College
MT2102 - Audio DSP Programming 2003-06 Bath Spa University College
MT3114 – Major Creative Project 2003-06 Bath Spa University College
MT2105 – Creative Portfolio 2002-06 Bath Spa University College
MT2004 – Composing for New Media 2002 Bath Spa University College
MT3014 – Free Composition 2002 Bath Spa University College
MT3013 – Computer Music Composition 2001-02 Bath Spa University College
MT2001 – Digital Audio Workstation 2001 Bath Spa University College
MU82 - Introduction to Electronic Music 2001 Brown University
MU11 - Computers and Music 2000-01 Brown University
MU181/182 - Seminar in Electronic Music 1998-01 Brown University
MU191/192 - Directed Studies in Computer Music 1998-01 Brown University
MU291/292 - Graduate Studies in Computer Music 1999-01 Brown University
MUS 114 - Genres of Music (Computer Music) 1996-97 State University of New York at Buffalo
MUS 115 - Understanding Music 1994-96 State University of New York at Buffalo
Member – Maricopa Community College District audio programs board 2010-
Curator/creator – Baz Tutorials – a collection of Max/MSP/Jitter tutorials on Youtube 2009- (currently 550 subscribers, 15,108 channel views)
Curator - Digital Jam –monthly live electronic music/video event 2009
Custodian/Technical Manager - IAP Gallery 2009-
Member – Digital Media Advisory Committee 2009-
Member - Visual Arts/New Media Search Committee 2009
Reviewer – 2009 International Computer Music Conference 2009
Member – Visual Arts Faculty Search Committee 2007-08 New College of Arts and Interdisciplinary Sciences – Arizona State University
Member – Technology Advisory Committee 2007-08 New College of Arts and Interdisciplinary Sciences – Arizona State University
Reviewer – Proposal for 2nd edition of Nic Collins’ “Handmade Electronic Music” 2007 Routledge
Member – IAP Lecturer Search Committee 2007 New College of Arts and Interdisciplinary Sciences – Arizona State University
Chair – Website design and coordination 2006-07 Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences – Arizona State University
Member – Standards Committee 2006-07 New College of Arts and Interdisciplinary Sciences – Arizona State University
Research Coordinator 2003-06 School of Music and the Performing Arts – Bath Spa University
External Examiner for Creative Music Technology degree at Brunel University 2003-06
Committee member for validation of MA in Composing for New Media 2003 Kingston University
Referee for Organised Sound journal 2003
Judge for the International Computer Music Association Commission Awards 1997
Hearing the Unseen with Brenda Moon 2010 Humanities + Digital Visual Interpretations Conference, MIT
Interactive Play 2007 University of California San Diego
Play 2006 11th Annual Faculty Research Poster Session Arizona State University
Interactivity and Play 2006 University of North Texas and University of Texas at Austin
Electrotap Teabox Sensor Interface Review 2005 Computer Music Journal, 29:3 Impact Factor for 2005: 0.486
JACK-ON: A Low-Cost Wireless Sensor Interface 2005 International Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain Published in the Proceedings of the 2005 International Computer Music Conference
Architecting body, sound, and space through digitally mediated performance 2005 7th Annual Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts Baden-Baden, Germany
Motion Tracking Using Jitter 2005 Danish Institute for Electroacoustic Music (DIEM)
Building Software Instruments in Reaktor 4 2003 Music Tech Magazine, Issue 8, November 2003
Souvenir: An Experiment in Sound and Motion 2003 SEA’03, Scarborough, UK
Open-Form Score Following in Practice 2003 First International Conference for Digital Technologies and Performance Arts, Doncaster, UK
Temporal Filtering: Framing Sonic Objects 2001 International Computer Music Conference, Havana, Cuba Published in the Proceedings of the 2001 International Computer Music Conference
Bazza: An Open-Form Score Following External for Max/MSP 1999 Presentation with John Lawter at Computer Music at June in Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Score Following in Open Form Compositions 1998 Collaboration with John Lawter. Delivered at the 1998 International Computer Music Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. Published in the Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference
Strategies for Real-Time Open-Form Computer Music 1998 Seminar given at the June in Buffalo Contemporary Music Festival, Buffalo, NY
Reviews of Days 1 and 3 of the U.S.A/Japan InterCollege Computer Music 1998 Festival published in Array, the newsletter of the International Computer Music Association
Score Following and Real-Time Signal 1997 Processing Strategies in Open-Form Compositions Delivered at the U.S.A/Japan InterCollege Computer Music Festival. Published in the Proceedings of the U.S.A/Japan InterCollege Computer Music Festival, December 1997
MIDI and Computer Scoring 1997 Workshop for the American Guild of Organists, Buffalo, NY
Real-time Signal Processing and Audio-Morphing 1996 Workshop, Sonic Circuits, Toronto
Interact I on Pipe Wrench: EMF Media - EM125
Swing – Proposal for collaborative work by “Public Art Challenge” to Belle Art successful. 2010 To be installed Summer 2012.
Digital Media and Learning Competition (application unsuccessful) 2008
Multi-Arts Production (MAP) Fund (application unsuccessful) 2008
Promising Researcher Fellowship – Bath Spa University College 2004-05 For work towards book ‘Max/MSP Play’, now an ongoing set of video tutorials.
Arts and Humanities Research Board Grant 2003 For research into motion-tracking techniques applied to piece ‘Souvenir’
Constant Pressure – solo performance with video and sound Picnic on the Grassy Knoll, Deus Ex Machina, 2010
pincushioned – collaboration with Doug Nottingham, live sound and video Glendale Community College Percussion Ensemble concert, 2010 Teatro Caliente, Pravus Gallery, Phoenix, 2010 Phoenix Non-Linear, 2010 Deus Ex Machina, Phoenix, 2010
Live visuals for “Last Fridays” Phoenix, 2010
Ear Trading – an iPhone game developed in collaboration with Brenda Moon iTunes Store, 2010
Phoenix: City of the Future film – lead actor and co-writer with Robert Kilman and Safwat Saleem 14th Annual ASU Art Museum Short Film and Video Festival, 2010 Nominated for a Phoenix New Times Big Brain Award, 2010
College Ave for eight musicians and computer audio/video TechNova Concert, Center for Experimental Music & Intermedia, University of North Texas, 2010
d3 for theremin and computer visuals/sound – collaboration with Doug Nottingham Phoenix Experimental Arts Festival, 2010
Plague Round for installation IAP Gallery, ASU, 2009
Live visuals for pianist Eric Lewis – collaboration with Scott Pagano Ted Global, Oxford, UK, 2009
vj presentation for electronica group “Living, Human, Being” Rogue Bar, Scottsdale, 2009
d2 for percussion and computer visuals/sound – collaboration with Doug Nottingham Phoenix Experimental Arts Festival, 2009
Surface Noise for performance/installation - collaboration with Chris Danowski. Performed by Christina Dahl. ASU, Arizona 2009 PHiX Gallery, Phoenix, 2009
boidSong for audiovisual installation – collaboration with Brenda Moon and Eleanor Gates-Stuart National Science Week, Canberra, Australia, 2008
POP for piano and computer Seventeenth Annual Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, 2008
Dot Match for flute, vibraphone and computer – collaboration with Mara Gibson Artsounds, Kansas City, 2008
Articulation for flute, percussion, orator and computer Artsounds, Kansas City, 2008
Op Op 2 for video and sound – collaboration with Barry Anderson Artsounds, Kansas City, 2008
Border Lines public art display (sound design) ASU, Arizona, 2008
Miss Representation for theatrical performance X-Fest, Arizona, 2008
\[Dis\]solve for theatrical performance X-Fest, Arizona, 2008 teatro caliente, Arizona, 2007
dot dot dash for computer video and sound – collaboration with Scott Pagano ASU, Arizona, 2007
Dubov for computer video and sound, with live narration International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, 2007
d for improvised percussion performance and computer Percussive Arts Society International Convention, Columbus, 2007 ASU Chamber Music Recital, Arizona, 2007 X-Fest, Arizona, 2007
clicks & tones for DVD Visual Music Marathon, Boston, 2007 X-Fest, Arizona, 2007
N+S for theatrical performance teatro caliente, Arizona, 2006
e for improvised flute performance and computer International Computer Music Conference, New Orleans, 2006
picasso & cronhammer for voice, guitar and computer Aarhus and Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005
dna, klunketid, fortid, einstein for voice, guitar, and computer Aarhus, Denmark, 2004
Electronic Revolution for electric guitar and computer video/audio Teatro Caliente, Phoenix, 2009 Random Function, Watershed, Bristol, UK, 2003 Michael Tippett Centre, Bath Spa University College, UK, 2003 Digital Arts and Culture Conference, Doncaster, UK, 2003
Souvenir for dance and computer motion-tracking and audio Funded by a grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Board. Michael Tippett Centre, Bath Spa University College, UK, 2003
Postcard for chair and computer motion-tracking/audio/video Aarhus, Denmark, 2004 Random Function, Watershed, Bristol, UK, 2004 Michael Tippett Centre, Bath Spa University College, UK, 2003 MAXIS Festival, Leeds, UK, 2003
--------- for voice and guitar Aarhus, Denmark, 2003
Here for voice, guitar and computer Aarhus, Denmark, 2003
Mince, for DVD
Interact II for recorder and computer Aarhus, Denmark, 2003 Odense, Denmark, 2002
3 Pieces for Bass and Computer Kulturbro Festival, Denmark and Sweden, 2002
Product for audiovisual installation Digital Arts and Culture conference, Brown University, 2001
Blues for violin and computer real-time/non real time festival, Basel, Switzerland, 2005 International Computer Music Conference, Miami, 2004 CEAIT Festival, CalArts, 2003 Longy School of Music, 2002 Brown University, 2001
Elastic Guitar for electric guitar and computer Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej, Katowice, Poland, 2006 Brown University, 2000
Lines for piano and computer Brown University, 1999
Closet Guitar for installation Brown University, 1999
Songs for Jake for soprano, Eb clarinet, and guitar.
Reverberation for installation Brown University, 1999
Hollow for flute, clarinet, percussion, guitar, violin, and violoncello
Sax for alto saxophone and computer graphics/audio processing. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1998
Interact I for flute and computer SEA ’03, Scarborough, UK, 2003 The Peabody Institute, 2002 New Music Circle, St. Louis, 2001 Seamus Conference, Baton Rouge, 2001 Brown University, 2000 International Computer Music Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, 1998 June in Buffalo, 1997 University of California, San Diego, CA, 1997 State University of New York at Buffalo, 1997
Two Songs for soprano, flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, violoncello, and computer June in Buffalo, 1996
Study for Voice and ISPW for soprano (also mezzo-soprano version) and computer MIX01 Festival, DIEM, Denmark, 2001 Carl Nielsen Academy of Music, Denmark, 2000 U.S.A/Japan InterCollege Computer Music Festival, Tokyo, 1997 Sonic Circuits Festival, Toronto, 1996 Live concert broadcast, New Music Australia, Melbourne, 1996 U.S.A/Japan InterCollege Computer Music Festival, Tokyo, 1995 Australian Computer Music Association Conference, Melbourne, 1995 State University of New York at Buffalo, 1995
Untitled Song for soprano and guitar Aarhus, Denmark, 2003 State University of New York at Buffalo, 1995
Contrast for two pianos State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994
Connecting Boxes A set of video tutorials on coding sonic and visual artworks in Max/MSP/Jitter.
Mini-swing An installation prototype for commissioned work “Swing”
Desiring Flights A computer game based on a text by Chris Danowski